Elephant Seal Survey

Survey introduction

Survey information

To report you seal observation please fill in the following form. When you are ready please press the Submit button at the bottom of the form.

If you have any question please contact us by email at fil_esrg@eleseal.org, or call us at 32010.


Email: Phone:

Have you or somebody you know recently seen elephant seals outside Sea Lion Island ?

A negative answer (i.e. you are sure there are no elephant seals in certain places) is as interesting as a positive one, so please post back the questionnaire even if your answer is no.

When ?

Even an approximate date is useful.

Where ?

Please include enough details to describe the specific location. Exact coordinates would be great.

If yes, can you tell how many elephant seals did you see, and of which types, age and sex ?

Even an approximate estimation is very useful. Please see the attached explanation about how to recognize different sex and age classes of elephant seals.

Have you seen any pup (see instructions about pups) ? If yes, how many ? Were they with their mothers ?

Have you seen any weanling (see instructions about weanlings) ? If yes, how many ? Were they still black in colour or already silver/grey ?

Have you seen any marked elephant seal?

Elephant seals might be marked with plastic tags on rear flippers or dye marks on the fur (see information sheets). Please give as much details as possible. Pictures are welcome !

Do you know any place outside Sea Lion Island where elephant seals were spotted in the past or where you saw them in the past ? If so, when and where ?

If you know any place where elephant seals were present in the past, do you know if they were breeding there (do you know of any pupping occurring there) ?

Do you know any person that might have information about elephant seals occurring in the Falklands outside Sea Lion island ? If so, can you please provide his/her contact information (e-mail and/or phone number) ?


Survey introduction

Survey information