Environmental monitoring

The Elephant Seal Research Group is carrying out general environmental momitoring of Sea Lion Island in the Falkland Island. Sea Lion Island is RAMSAR site, an Important Bird Area, an Important Plant Area, is becoming a National Nature Reserve, and it is the premiere site for wildlife oriented tourism in the Falklands.

Our goal is to set up a monitoring protocol that will enable the assessment of the status of Sea Lion Island environment in the long term.We are focusing our effort on common animal species that often receive less attention (like ducks and geese), on species that are very sensistive to human disturbance (for example kelp gulls), on rare species (raptors), and on changes of ephemeral habitats (for example, sand dunes).

Ducks and geese.

Duck and goose species breeding at Sea Lion Island.

Sea lions


Marine birds

Ducks and geese

Landscape changes

Management support



For more information please contact us by email at fil_esrg@eleseal.org. Thank you for your interest in our research projects !