Killer whale individuals

Lola - ESRG_009

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- KLWB01, Hay, Double A (Yates et al. 2004)
- KLWB01 (Yates et al. 2007)
- Crisscross, SLI-004 (Freund 2010)
SIZE: Medium
SEX: Female
Likely mother of Ale; and always associated with it. Very often associated also with Carla and Giaba


- General
Black in colour, with light grey saddle patch

- Right side
There are many lines and signs. The most peculiar ones are:
R1) Three, almost parallel, left inclined lines, which are crossed by one almost horizontal line plus another lighter and sligthly curved one. It resembles a criss cross game. This is the most distinctive feature on the right side

Lola - Right side

- Left side
There are many lines and signs. The most peculiar ones are:
L1) A black curved line in the upper central part of the saddle patch. It seems to be a part of a circle. This is the most distinctive feature on the left side, and it is almost always visible

Lola - Left side

- Fin
Fin is big and wide, both at the base and towards the tip, being very little curved