Killer whale individuals

Ale - ESRG_001

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Likely son of Lola; always associated with Lola.


- General
Dark grey in colour with lighter saddle patch. Most caracteristic feature is a scar on the fin. Also, it has many scars on the back, both right and left side (possibly all these features due to a boat collision). Saddle patch finishes towrds the front of the animal with a ver long and thin barb (only visible if the animal emerges a lot)

- Right side
Lots of lines, from light to dark grey in colour. Most peculiar ones are:
R1) A whitish, almost horizontal line, ending with three downward barbs almost in the middle of the patch
R2) A reversed, grayish, left inclined letter "V", just on the left of the saddle patch. It is not clearly visible in every picture
R3) An almost vertical, curved whitish line beetween on the left of R2
R4) A group of three crossing long curved lines, close to the tail end. Only visible when the animal lift the bottom part

Ale - Right side

- Left side
Lots of lines, from light to dark grey in colour. Most peculiar ones are:
L1) Four short, whitish, almost parallel and vertical signs on the back of the whale towards the tail. Together with L2 t is the most distinctive feature on the left side.
L2) An almost black (lighter inside) sign composed of three thick lines, resambling a claw mark, just on the bottom left of L1.
L3) Quite a few long and short lines, a little less marked, on the left and below L1/L2

Ale - Left side

- Fin
Small but wide fin
F1) A small cut creating sort of a notch on the back edge. Depending on the picture it is more or less visible and more or less open
F2) A very short light grey line on close to the front edge of the left side